Albury Wodonga Health

Albury Wodonga Health is a unique cross-border health care service spanning the border of Victoria and New South Wales providing public health care to a population of approximately 280,000.

It is the second largest regional health service in Victoria and operates under the jurisdiction of the Department of Health, Victoria. It has a total of 337 hospital beds across the two hospital campuses and employs over 3,300 staff and has 174 registered volunteers. In a typical year AWH provides health care to approximately 40,000 patients. On average 1,800 babies born each year at AWH. 

Combined, the Albury and Wodonga Emergency Departments triage and treat nearly 70,000 emergency presentations each year. To provide this the departments include up to 44 points of care including three resuscitation bays, two Behavioural Assessment rooms, eight consultation points, five fast track beds, four short stay units and 22 acute cubicles.

In addition to hospital-based care AWH has over 20 different specialist programs provided by more than 200 health care professionals and business support teams. These include specialist community-based health and wellbeing programs through both centre based and outreach appointments within the catchment. Importantly, AWH also offers lifespan services targeting vulnerable community members and people with chronic disease to optimise their engagement and enjoyment of life.