Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Registrar (not accredited for RANZCOG Training)
Flinders Medical Centre is a general teaching hospital collocated with the medical school of Flinders University. The Department is a level 6 centre for obstetrics & gynaecology, gynaecology oncology, urogynaecology program and an established endogynaecology unit. this is the only facility in South Australia offering both adult and neonatal intensive care.
A vacancy exists for a full-time position from 7/2/2022 until 5/2/2023
For further information please contact:
Dr Bruno Radesic
Head of Unit
Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Please forward applications with your current Curriculum Vitae and contact details of three professional referees to Bruno.radesic@sa.gov.au
Closing date is 24/12/2021